Breadcrumb path: Market Places / Settings / Facebook
This section of the guide will cover the Market Settings - Facebook module. In order to use this module effectively, you must first sign up for a Facebook Business Account and then set up Facebook Catalog (which uses the Meta Commerce Manager). For more information, you can view the help guide for Manage a Catalog in Facebook Meta Commerce Manager.
You can access this Build CMS page by clicking on Market Places from your main menu and then Settings from the dropdown menu. Next, click on Facebook inside the frame to the right.
Market Settings - Facebook Fundamental
This module enables you to map, manage, and generate product page (XML) data for your Facebook Business account based on product information from your Build CMS Account. Once you add a product to Facebook Catalog from Market Places - Products, its Settings can be managed from here.
After all the Settings have been adjusted to your preferences, you can Download the data manually, or have it channeled to your webpage as a Feed. You can also have it automatically exported on a specified interval schedule. That data can then be uploaded directly to your Facebook Business account to create a product page in Facebook Catalog.
This section will be separated into 6 parts:
- 1 General Settings.
- 2 File Generation.
- 3 Shipping Settings.
- 4 Mapping Settings.
- 5 Facebook Product Category.
- 6 Facebook Catalog Navigation.
Now that you have learned about the fundamental idea, you can continue with the first section of Market Settings - Facebook user manual (General Settings).
(1) General Settings
This section enables you to control General Settings for this Market Setting, especially related to Exporting Data.
- Note: the recommended method for using this integration with Facebook Catalog is to utilize the File Generation Interval and Direct Download functions.
- Last Generation Date. This indicates when the most recent Export of Data was Generated.
- 1 [Enable | Disable]. This setting controls whether the module is Enabled or Disabled.
- 2 File Generation Interval [Set]. This function allows you to Set a File Generation Interval to automatically Generate the Data.
- 3 Auth Username and Auth Password. In these fields, enter authorization credentials needed to configure your File Generation.
- Auth Username. In this field, enter your Auth Username.
- Auth Password. In this field, enter your Auth Password.
- 4 Channel Title and Channel Description.
- Channel Title. In this field you can enter a Title for the Data Channel.
- Channel Description. In this field, you can enter a Descripton for the Data Channel.
- 5 Filename and Url for the generated file.
- Filename. In this field, you can enter a Filename for the Data File.
- Url for the generated file. This field specifies the URL on your website where the Data will be sent.
- Save. Click this button to Save the fields entered above.
Now that you have learned about the General Settings for Market Settings - Facebook, you can move on to the next section of this manual (File Generation).
(2) File Generation
- 1 Brands. Click this field to reveal a dropdown of available Brands for File Generation. Select the Brand to be used. If left empty, all brands will be used.
- 2 Product types. Click this field to reveal a dropdown of available Product types for File Generation. Select the Product type to be used. If left empty, all Product types will be used.
- 3 Direct Download. Click this button to instantly perform a Direct Download of the File Generation specified above.
After you have completed the File Generation section, you can move onto Shipping Settings.
(3) Shipping Settings
This section enables you to specify Shipping Settings for this Market Setting.
- 1 Shipping. In this dropdown, you can either select One fixed shipping cost for all items (and specify the cost below) or select I will set up shipping on my Facebook Commerce Manager.
- Save. Click this green button to Save the Shipping Settings you have selected.
Now that you have learned about Shipping Settings, you can move on to the next section (Mapping Settings).
(4) Mapping Settings
This section enables you to specify Mapping Settings. These will determine how the Item Data is generated for your Facebook Catalog.
- 1 Search. This field allows you to enter terms to Search for Facebook Fields or Build Fields.
- 2 Facebook Fields. This column displays the Facebook Fields to use in this Mapping.
- Id *. This is the ID for Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Title *. This is the Title for Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Description *. This is the Description for Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Image Link *. This is the Image Link for Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Condition. This is the Condition for the Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Availability. This is the Availability for the Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Price *. This is the Price for the Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Brand *. This is the Brand for the Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Mpn. This is the Mpn (Manufacturer Part Number) for the Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Material. This is the Material for the Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Size. This is the Size for the Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Color. This is the Color for the Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Gender. This is the Gender for the Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Age Group. This is the Age Group for the Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Product Type. This is the Product Type for the Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Sale Price. This is the Sale Price for the Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Item Group Id. This is the Item Group Id for the Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Additional Image Link. This is the Additional Image Link for the Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Quantity To Sell On Facebook. This is the Quantity To Sell On Facebook for the Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Link. This is the Link for the Facebook Catalog item listing.
- Availability Date. This is the Availability Date for the Facebook Catalog item listing.
- 3 Build Fields. In this column, you will see Build Fields with dropdown menus displayed. Some Build Fields are already selected by default, to be mapped to the corresponding Facebook Fields. Those that are not yet selected can be specified by using the dropdown menu, which includes an exhaustive list of Build Fields that can be mapped to the corresponding Facebook Fields.
- Save. Click this green button to Save the Mapping Settings you have selected.
Now that you have finished learning about the different Market Places - Settings for Facebook, you can continue with the next section of the guide (Google Product Category).
(5) Google Product Category
This section displays how each Product Type used on Build corresponds to the Google Product Category Number that can be used for your Facebook Catalog item listings.
- 1 Product Type. This column lists the Product Type. ● 2 This column lists the Google Product Category Number that corresponds to the Product Type. If a field in column ● 2 is left blank, this means that there is no corresponding Google Product Category Number for the Product Type.
- Accessory. The Google Product Category Number is blank.
- Anklet. The Google Product Category Number is 198.
- Bracelet. The Google Product Category Number is 191.
- Charm. The Google Product Category Number is 192.
- Diamond. The Google Product Category Number is blank.
- Earring. The Google Product Category Number is blank.
- Engagement Ring. The Google Product Category Number is 200.
- Knife. The Google Product Category Number is blank.
- Leather Good. The Google Product Category Number is blank.
- Necklace. The Google Product Category Number is 196.
- Ring. The Google Product Category Number is 200.
- Test Product Type. The Google Product Category Number is blank.
- Test Product Type Two. The Google Product Category Number is blank.
- Watch. The Google Product Category Number is 201.
- Watch Band. The Google Product Category Number is 5123.
- Wedding Band. The Google Product Category Number is 200.
- Writing Instrument. The Google Product Category Number is blank.
Now that you have completed the section covering Google Product Category, you can move on to the next section (Facebook Navigation).
(6) Facebook Navigation
This section of the guide will cover the steps needed to apply the Data generated by the Market Place Settings - Facebook module. After you have set up Facebook Catalog, navigate to the following page by accessing Catalog on the left menu and Data sources from the dropdown menu.
- 1 Data feed. Select this option. This will allow you to Upload your Data file directly, or enter a Feed URL to automatically update your data.
- Click Next to continue to the next screen.
- 2 Get Started. Select Yes and then Next to continue with the process of uploading your data and bring up a new screen.
- 3 Choose file > Use a URL. In the corresponding field, Enter the URL where your file is hosted.
- Note: in order for this to work, you must first Generate Feed from the Market Place - Settings - Facebook module on the Build CMS.
- Click Next when ready to continue.
- 4 Set Schedule. In this step, you’ll choose how often you want your data feed to update. It is recommended that you synchronize your Schedule on Facebook with the Export Interval you have selected in the CMS.
- Click Next when ready to continue.
- 5 Existing Items. If you are attempting to upload a file with items already in an existing data feed, you will need to specify one of the following options. Update existing data feed or Replace existing data feed is recommended.
- Click Next when ready to continue.
- 6 Upload. In this section, first confirm all settings and then click Save Feed and Upload when ready to continue.
Once you have uploaded the file, you can navigate to the Catalog submenu and click on Items. Here is an example of what a product listing page might look like, generated from the Market Places - Facebook Settings module.
Now that you have finished generating data and have set up an item using this module, that completes the user manual for Market Places - Settings - Facebook.
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