Breadcrumb path: Navigation / Manage Navigation
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Manage Navigation Fundamental
In this section, you will learn how to use the Manage Navigation module. This enables you to create a hierarchy of the navigation system you will be using on your website. There are two main functions to be covered in Manage Navigation:
- ● 1 Add Navigation Item. This enables you to create a new link and label to be a part of your Navigation system.
- ● 2 Navigation Hierarchy. You can rearrange or edit the Navigation Items in your system, which also includes the ability to choose the nature of the hierarchy.
Here is an example of a finished navigation system made using the Manage Navigation module:
Now that you have seen the end product and learned the fundamental idea, this guide will continue to walk you through the process of using the Navigation module.
Add Navigation Item
- ● 1 Add Navigation Item. Click here to bring up a new screen that will allow you to set up a new item for your Navigation System.
- ● 1 [On | Off ] Controls.
- Status [On | Off]. This setting enables you to control whether the Navigation Item is turned On or Off.
- Full Width *. This setting enables you to control whether or not the Navigation Item is displayed in its Full Width.
- ● 2 Menu Title *. In this field, you must enter a Menu Title for the Navigation Item you are adding. This is the title that will show up on your website, to be linked to the desired page.
- ● 3 In this area you can set up the link for the Navigation Item.
- Link to a page / Enter URL (radio button). This button allows you to select whether or not to Link to a Page or Enter URL for this Navigation Item.
- Select Page. This dropdown enables you to link to any page you have already created on the CMS to your Navigation Item.
- Enter URL. This field enables you to Enter a URL that will be connected to your Navigation Item.
- Open in New Tab. This checkbox enables you to choose whether or not the Navigation Item will open the desired page in a new tab.
- ● 4 In this area you can enter further details regarding the Navigation Item.
- Parent Menu. This dropdown enables you to select a Parent Menu to be associated with this Navigation Item.
- If a Parent Menu is selected, then the Navigation Item will appear as part of a dropdown menu when the Parent Menu Title is hovered over.
- If No Parent Menu is selected, then the Navigation Item will automatically be created as a Parent.
- Link Class. This field enables you to specify a Link Class to be associated with this Navigation Item.
- Icon (SVG Format). This button enables you to Browse for an image that will be used as an icon for your Navigation Item.
- ● 5 Image. This field enables you to Browse for an Image to be used with this Navigation Item.
Now that you have learned how to Add Navigation Item, you can continue with the next section of the guide that explains the Navigation hierarchy.
(2) Navigation Hierarchy
In this section, you will be able to set and change the exact ordering and organization of your Navigation system. All of the separate Navigation Items can be viewed, edited, and ordered here.
- ● 1 All of these items can be dragged and dropped to change the order in which they will appear on your website.
- (+) A plus sign indicates a Parent Menu. Clicking on the plus sign (+) will reveal the dropdown menu containing the associated Navigation Items. Once the dropdown for a Parent Menu is revealed, other Navigation Items can be dragged into that Parent Menu.
- The order that Navigation Items appear nested inside their Parent Menus will determine how they are displayed on your webpage.
Following is an example of how the following Navigation hierarchy configuration might show up on a website:
Now that you have learned how to arrange your Navigation hierarchy, you can continue to the next section where you will learn about various other actions you can perform from the Manage Navigation screen.
- ● 2 On the right side of the screen, you can perform various actions on the corresponding Navigation Items displayed on the left side.
- [On | Off]. This turns the Navigation Item On or Off.
- Edit. This opens the Edit screen, where you can change the details for the Navigation Item.
- Delete. This deletes the Navigation Item from your Navigation system.
- Not Linked. This indicates that the corresponding Navigation Item is not currently linked to any page.
You have now learned all the functions of this module. This completes the help guide section for Manage Navigation.
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