Breadcrumb path: My Account
This article will walk you through how to use the Customer Account section of your site. You will learn how a Customer can Register and also Set Up their own personal account for all their jewelry shopping needs.
Note: the Customer Account information shown in this guide links up to the Customer and Customers modules on the CMS.
A customer can access this page by clicking the My Account link on your website. From here, before they can login, they will need to first click the Register link. This will bring them to a new Create An Account screen.
This screen prompts the customer to enter the following basic information needed to Register an account.
- ● 1 First Name. In this field, the customer must enter a First Name to be associated with the account.
- ● 2 Last Name. In this field, the customer must enter a Last Name to be associated with the account.
- ● 3 Email. In this field, the customer must enter an Email to be associated with the account.
- ● 4 Password. In this field, the customer must enter a Password to be associated with the account.
- ● 5 Confirm Password. In this field, the customer must re-enter the Password they entered in the previous field, to be associated with the account.
- ● 6 Sign up. The customer must click this button when they have finished entering the above information to create their account.
After a user has completed the above section, they will be logged into their account, and brought to a new page:
Your Account
If a customer has already registered an account, they can also access this page by clicking on the link to their Account from your website and Logging in.
Customer Account Fundamental
This article will teach you how the CMS' built-in Customer Account system works. The Customer Account is a centralized page where your Customers can set up their account. It stores all the essential information for their account, plus other useful features such as Wishlist and Newsletter.
The Customer Account is separated into nine parts that will be covered individually in this guide:
- ● 1 Account Dashboard.
- ● 2 Edit Account.
- ● 3 Address Book.
- ● 4 Orders.
- ● 5 Wishlist.
- ● 6 Product Comparisons.
- ● 7 Newsletter.
- ● 8 Gift Cards.
- ● 9 Log Out.
Now that you have learned the fundamental ideas and seen the layout for this section, this guide will walk you through the process for a customer to set up their account.
(1) Account Dashboard
This screenshot shows how the dashboard will look when a Customer first sets up an account but has not yet filled in any information. From the dashboard, a customer can view a snapshot of their account information, in four categories:
- ● 1 Contact Information. This area displays the Name and Email Address of the Customer.
- ● 2 Newsletters. This displays any Newsletters to which the Customer is currently subscribed.
- ● 3 Primary Billing Address. This area displays the Primary Billing Address entered by the customer.
- ● 4 Primary Shipping Address. This area displays the Primary Shipping Address entered by the customer.
Now that this guide has covered the Account Dashboard, it will continue walking you through the next section (Edit Account).
(2) Edit Account
From this screen, the customer can Edit Account Information which includes Name and Password.
- ● 1 First Name. In this field, the customer can change the First Name on their account.
- ● 2 Last Name. In this field, the customer can change the Last Name on their account.
- ● 3 Current Password *. In this field, the customer must enter their Current Password.
- ● 4 New Password *. In this field, the customer must enter their New Password.
- ● 5 Password Confirmation. In this field, the customer must re-enter their New Password.
- ● 6 Save. The customer must click this button to Save the above information in the system.
Now that you have learned about how a customer can Edit Account Information, you can move on to the next section (Address Book).
(3) Address Book
In this section, a customer can View, Edit, or Delete addresses currently associated with their account, or Add New Address.
- ● 1 Primary Billing Address. This area displays the Primary Billing Address associated with the Customer Account.
- ● 2 Primary Shipping Address. This area displays the Primary Shipping Address associated with the Customer Account.
- ● 3 Additional Addresses [Edit | Delete]. This area displays Additional Addresses associated with the Customer Account. A customer can Edit or Delete the address by clicking on the icon.
- ● 4 Add New Address. A customer can click here to Add New Address, which will bring up a new screen:
- ● Add New Address. A customer must fill out the above form to Add New Address to their Account. The fields included are as follows:
- First Name. In this field, the customer can enter the First Name associated with the address.
- Last Name. In this field, the customer can enter the Last Name associated with the address.
- Email Address. In this field, the customer can enter the Email Address associated with the address.
- Company. In this field, the customer can enter the Company associated with the address.
- Street Address. In this field, the customer can enter the Street Address associated with the address.
- Apt / Suite. In this field, the customer can enter the Apt / Suite associated with the address.
- City. In this field, the customer can enter the City associated with the address.
- Zipcode. In this field, the customer can enter the Zipcode associated with the address.
- Country. In this field, the customer can enter the Country associated with the address.
- State. In this field, the customer can enter the State associated with the address.
- Default billing address. By clicking this checkbox, the customer can select the Default billing address.
- Default shipping address. By clicking this checkbox, the customer can select the Default shipping address.
- Save Address. The customer must click on Save Address to Save the above information in their account.
Now that you have learned how to use the Address Book of Customer Account, you can continue on to the next section (Orders).
(4) Orders
- ● My Orders. This section displays any Orders that have been opened by the customer. If there are no orders in the system, the screen will display the message: “You don’t have any orders”.
Now that you have learned how to use Orders, you can continue on to the next section (Wishlist).
(5) Wishlist
From this page, a customer can see the items on their Wishlist, as well as add comments, Send to a friend, or Delete.
- ● 1 Email Address | Send. In this field, a customer can enter the Email Address that they wish to Share with a friend. Clicking the button will Send an email to the chosen address.
- ● 2 Delete. Clicking this button will Delete an item from the customer’s Wishlist.
- ● 3 Comments | Save. In this field, a customer can enter Comments associated with the Wishlist Item. For example: “I would love to have this ring for my birthday.”
- Once the customer has finished, they can click Save to update the page.
Now that you have learned how to use Wishlist, you can continue on to the next section (Product Comparisons).
(6) Product Comparisons
From this page, a customer can view any Product Comparisons that have been added to their account. This is a quick and easy way for a customer to do a side-by-side comparison of different products they have chosen.
Now that you have learned how to use Product Comparisons, you can continue on to the next section (Newsletter).
(7) Newsletter
This page enables a customer to Subscribe to your Newsletter. When they click the Subscribe button, the screen will display the default confirmation message: “You are successfully subscribed to our newsletter. Thanks for your interest.” At that point, the Unsubscribe button also becomes available as shown in the screen below.
Now that you have learned about the Newsletter section of Customer Accounts, you can continue with the next section of the guide (Gift Cards).
(8) Gift Cards
This screen displays any Gift Cards associated with the Customer Account.
Now that you have learned about the Gift Cards section of Customer Accounts, you can continue with the next section of the guide (Log Out).
(9) Log Out
Upon clicking the Log Out link in the lower left corner of the Customer Account page, the customer will be returned to the Login page.
Now that you have learned how the Customer Account works, and also understand how it connects to the back end of the CMS (in the Customer and Customers modules), that completes this section of the user manual.
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