Breadcrumb path: Promotions / Manage Promotions
You can access this page by clicking on Promotions from the main menu, and Manage Promotions from the dropdown menu.
Manage Promotions Fundamental
In this module you will learn how to Manage Promotions. This involves both Adding New Promotions as well as Viewing, Filtering, Sorting, and otherwise Managing preexisting Promotions.
Here is an example of a Promotion being applied by a customer upon checkout:
Now that you have learned the fundamental idea, and seen an example of the end result, this guide will continue to walk you through how to Manage Promotions.
From this screen, you can Add New Promotion, View, Download, Filter, and otherwise Manage all promotions currently in the system. After you Add New Promotion, the Promotion will also be listed on the Manage Inquires - Promotions page, as seen above.
- ● 1 Add New Promotion [Help ?]. Click Add New Promotion to open up a new screen that will be covered in the following section. Click the Help ? button to access the user manual for this module.
- ● 2 [Customize Columns | Download | Search]. In this area, you can select which columns to display, as well as Copy, Print, or Download in the formats CSV, Excel, PDF, or JSON. You can use the Search field to Search for Promotions from your entries.
- ● 3 Columns. In this area you will find a number of Columns displaying information about your Promotions. Clicking on the up or down arrow icon next to each column title will sort by ascending or descending order.
- Promo ID. This column displays the Promo ID, which is the ordinal number of the promotion.
- Name. This column displays the Name of the Promotion.
- Promo Type. This column displays the Promo Type (e.g. % OFF).
- Start Date and End Date. These columns display the selected Start Date and End Date for the Promotion.
- Values. This column displays the Date that the Promotion was made.
- Subtotal. This column displays the Subtotal of the discount offered by the Promotion.
- Status [On | Off]. This column displays the Status: whether the Promotion is On or Off.
- Actions [Delete]. This icon allows you to Delete the Promotion.
Now that you have learned how to use Promotions, continue to the next section, covering Add New Promotion.
Add New Promotion
To Add New Promotion, click the button to bring up a new screen, which consists of six sections to be completed:
- ● 1 General Information.
- ● 2 Promotion Type.
- ● 3 Promotion Values.
- ● 4 Apply To.
- ● 5 Promotion Code.
- ● 6 Review & Complete.
This guide will now walk you through each step of the process of Add New Promotion, starting with ● 1 General Information.
(1) General Information
- ● 1 Promotion Name (*). In this field, you must enter the Promotion Name that you are adding.
- ● 2 Start Date (*) and End Date. In these fields, you must enter the promotion Start Date, and you may also enter an End Date if desired.
- ● 3 Save & Next. Click this button to Save the above information and continue to the Next section (Promotion Type).
(2) Promotion Type
- ● 1 Select a promotion type. Here you will need to select one from the list of all the following promotion types.
- % OFF. Selecting this promotion will offer a customer a certain % OFF amount from the sale price for the item.
- $ OFF. Selecting this promotion will offer a customer a certain $ OFF amount from the sale price for the item.
- Buy 1 get x%, Buy 2 get y%, and Buy 3 get z% off. Selecting this promotion will offer a customer to Buy up to 3 items, all with different % off values for each.
- Buy Brand, get one of the Y items free. Selecting this promotion will offer a customer to receive certain items free if they buy a certain Brand.
- Buy Two Items From Brand X, Get the Third item Y Free. Selecting this promotion will offer a customer a third item free, if they buy two items of a certain Brand X.
- Buy X Get Y free. Selecting this promotion will offer a customer a specific item for free if they buy a certain other item.
- Buy X Get Y with % OFF. Selecting this promotion will offer a customer a certain item with a % OFF if they buy a certain item (X).
- Buy X Get Y with $ OFF. Selecting this promotion will offer a customer a specific item (Y) with a % OFF if they buy a certain other item (X).
- Buy X products, get Y free. Selecting this promotion will offer a customer a certain number of products free (Y) if they buy a certain number of products (X).
- Discount% for Engagement rings when bought with a Diamond. Selecting this promotion will offer a customer a Discount % on Engagement Rings if they buy the rings with a Diamond (sold separately).
- Save $X on every $Y you spend. Selecting this promotion will offer a customer to Save a certain $ amount (X) for every $ amount spent (Y).
- Buy Brand, get Y free-automatically. Selection this promotion will offer a customer to get an item (Y) for free if they buy a certain Brand.
- Buy Brand, get Y items free if added to cart. Selecting this promotion will offer a customer to get certain items (Y) for free if they’re added to the cart and the customer also buys a certain Brand.
- [Previous | Save & Next]. You can click Previous to go back to General Information. Once you have selected one of the above promotion types, click Save & Next to continue to the next screen (Promotion Values).
(3) Promotion Values
Each Promotion Type will have a slightly different Promotion Values screen. Here is an example of Promotion Values for the first Promotion Type on the list: % OFF.
- ● 1 Flat Percentage. In this field you can enter a Flat Percentage to be removed from the sale price.
- ● 2 When subtotal is greater than. In this field you can enter a minimum subtotal that needs to be met for the promotion to apply.
- ● [Previous | Save & Next]. You can click Previous to go back to Promotion Type. Once you have selected one of the above promotion types, click Save & Next to continue to the next screen (Apply To).
(4) Apply To
This screen will allow you to select which criteria you want the Promotion to Apply To.
- ● 1 Apply To. Selecting any of these will open up new fields that are specific to the given criteria.
- All Order. Selecting this option will Apply the Promotion To All Order. It will open up new fields: Exclude Countries, Exclude States of Country, Exclude States, Exclude Brands, Exclude Product Types, and Exclude Items List.
- Countries. Selecting this option will Apply the Promotion To Countries. It will open up new fields: Countries, Exclude Brands, and Exclude Items List.
- States. Selecting this option will Apply the Promotion To States. It will open up new fields: States of Country, States, Exclude Brands, Exclude Items List.
- Product Types. Selecting this option will Apply the Promotion To Product Types. It will open up new fields: Product Types, Exclude Brands, Exclude Items List.
- Brands. Selecting this option will Apply the Promotion To Brands. It will open up new fields: Brands, Exclude Items List.
- Customers List. Selecting this option will Apply the Promotion To Customers List. It will open up new fields: Customers List, Exclude Brands, Exclude Items List.
- Items List. Selecting this option will Apply the Promotion To Items List. It will open up new fields: Items List, Exclude Countries, Exclude States of Country, and Exclude States.
- ● 2 Options are shown below for the Apply to: All Order selected above.
- Exclude Countries. Click this field to select Countries that you want to Exclude from this promotion.
- Exclude States of Country *. Click this dropdown to select States of Country that you want to Exclude from this promotion.
- Exclude States. Click this field to select States that you want to Exclude from this promotion.
- Exclude Brands. Click this field to select Brands that you want to Exclude from this promotion.
- Exclude Product Types. Click this field to select Product Types that you want to Exclude from this promotion.
- Exclude Items List. Click this field to enter Items that you want to Exclude from this promotion.
- ● [Previous | Save & Next]. You can click Previous to go back to (Promotion Values). Once you have selected one of the above promotion types, click Save & Next to continue to the next screen (Promotion Code).
(5) Promotion Code
- ● 1 Use Coupon Code [Yes | No]. Here you can choose between whether to Use Coupon Code or not. If Yes is chosen, the following options will open:
- ● 2 Max Uses. In this field you can enter the Max number of Uses for the Coupon Code. you can also select the checkbox to Apply the max uses to each promotion code selected.
- ● 3 Promotion Codes.
- Select Codes From LIst. This option allows you to Select Codes From List that you want to use.
- Select Promotion Codes via Range. This option allows you to Select Promotion Codes via Range and then enter a Range.
- Add New Promotion Code. This button allows you to Add New Promotion Code.
- Promotion Codes List. This field is connected to a dropdown listing all the Promotion Codes in your database that you can select.
- ● [Previous | Save & Next]. You can click Previous to go back to (Apply To). Once you have selected one of the above promotion types, click Save & Next to continue to the next screen (Review & Complete).
(6) Review and Complete
This screen displays a summary of all the information you have entered in the previous sections. From here you can click Previous to return to the last section (Promotion Code), Save, or Save & Activate. Once you click Save & Activate, the Promotion will show up on your list of Promotions under Manage Promotions.
Now that you have learned how to use the Manage Promotions module, that concludes this section of the user manual.
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