Breadcrumb path: Promotions / % OFF
You can access this page by clicking on Promotions from the main menu, and Manage Promotions from the dropdown menu.
Promotions - % OFF Fundamental
In this module, you will learn about the %OFF Promotion. First, you will need to Add New Promotion. You can learn more about this by consulting the Manage Promotions section of the user manual.
Here is an example of a Promotion being applied by a customer upon checkout:
Now that you have learned the fundamental idea, and seen an example of the end result, this guide will continue to walk you through how to use the %OFF Promotion.
Promotions - % OFF
This Promotion enables you to apply a percentage discount to All orders. The fields of this Promotion are outlined in the above screenshot and will be described, section by section, in the screenshots and fields below.
- ● 1 The following fields are described below, reading from left to right.
- Promotion Name *. In this field, the Promotion Name is listed. This is a required field that is automatically filled when you set up the Promotion.
- Start Date *. In this field, you must select the Start Date for your Promotion.
- End Date. In this field, you can select the End Date for your Promotion.
- Promotion Type. In this field, the Promotion Type is listed. This field cannot be changed, it is automatically filled when you set up the Promotion.
- ● 2 The following fields are described below, reading from left to right.
- Flat Percentage. In this field, the Flat Percentage is listed. This is a required field that is automatically filled when you set up the Promotion.
- When subtotal is greater than. In this field, you must enter the minimum subtotal that is required for the Promotion to be applied. This is a required field that is automatically filled when you set up the Promotion.
- Apply To. In this field, the specifics of what the Promotion will Apply To is identified. This is a required field that is automatically filled when you set up the Promotion. The options include: All Order, Countries, States, Product Types, Brands, Customers List, and Items List.
- ● 3 The following fields are described below, reading from left to right.
- Exclude Countries. Click this field to select Countries that you would like to Exclude from this Promotion.
- Exclude States Of Country. Click this field to select States of a Country that you would like to Exclude from this Promotion.
- Exclude Brands. Click this field to select Brands that you would like to Exclude from this Promotion.
- Exclude States. Click this field to select States that you would like to Exclude from this Promotion.
- ● 4 The included fields are described below:
- Exclude Product Types. Click this field to select Product Types to Exclude from this Promotion.
- Exclude Items List. Click this field to select an Items List to Exclude from this Promotion.
- Use Coupon Code. Click Yes or No in this field to decide whether to Use a Coupon Code for this Promotion. If you have selected Yes, continue filling in the next fields.
- ● 5 The following fields are described below, reading from left to right.
- Max Uses. In this field, enter the number of Max Uses for your
- Remaining Promo Uses. In this field, the Remaining Promo Uses will be automatically displayed.
- Promotion Codes + Add New Promotion Code. In this field, you can click Add New Promotion Code to open the Promotion Code Generator. A Promo Code will display in a new window. Click Add and it will appear in the previous field.
- Update Dates. Click this button to Update the Promotion Dates you have selected above.
Now that you have completed the above fields, that concludes the user manual article covering Promotions - % OFF.
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