Product Specifications
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You can access this page by clicking on Products from your main menu, and Product Specifications from the dropdown menu.
Product Specifications Fundamental
This section will cover Product Specifications, which are industry standard specifications used to define products. Here you will learn about the two different kinds of Product Specifications: ● 1 Product Type, and ● 2 Specification Type. This guide will first describe the concept, and then walk you through it in an applied context.
Here are the four sections included in this module:
- ● 1 Product Type - Concept
- ● 2 Specification Type - Concept
- ● 3 Product Type - Applied
- ● 4 Specification Type - Applied
(1) Product Type - Concept
- ● Product Type is the most general category by which any given product can be defined. The system allows you to apply one Product Type per item.
- ● There are over a dozen Product Types preloaded into the system by default. If needed, you can also add new Product Types of your own in addition to the ones that come within the system.
(2) Specification Type - Concept
- ● Specifications Type is a more narrow category by which products can be defined.
● There is a wide array of Specification Types preloaded into the system by default. If needed, you can also add new specification types of your own in addition to the ones that come within the system.
- ● Each Specification Types can be applied to one or more Product Types.
Utilizing the system Product Type and Specification Type helps you organize your entire product list according to the Industry Standard Specifications.
Now that you have learned the concepts behind the two types of Product Specifications, you can move on to their applied descriptions.
(3) Product Type - Applied
You can access this page by clicking on Products from your main menu, and Product Specifications from the dropdown menu.
- ● 1 Product Type. This table displays all Product Types in the system. You can edit the name of any type by changing the text in its corresponding field.
- ● 2 Create. Click here to open a new screen that enables you to Create your own product types. Then enter a Product Type Name and click Create. This will add a new Product Type to the table.
- ● 3 Search. In this field, you can search for a Product Type from all those currently available in the system, including any new types you have added.
- ● 4 Actions [Delete]. The Delete icon allows you to instantly delete a product type from your table. NOTE: Deleting a Product Type will also remove all Specification Types which were applied to it.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This table of Product Types and any changes made to it are connected to other modules on the CMS.
- ● In the Add New Product page, under Industry Standard Specifications, reflected in the Select a Product Type dropdown menu as well as all the Specification Type dropdowns.
- ● In the Pre-Filter Collection Builder. That module will be covered in more detail in a later section.
After you have finished adding and editing Product Types, you can move on to the next section.
(4) Specification Type - Applied
- ● 1 Specification. This column displays all Specification Types in the system by default, plus any new ones you have added.
- ● 2 [Download CSV | Upload CSV | Add New Specification | Search]. In this area, you will find the following fields:
- Download CSV. Click this button to Download CSV of Specification Types data.
- Upload CSV. Click this button to Upload CSV File of Specification Types data.
- Here you can create your own specification, by entering a Specification Name and clicking on Add New Specification. It will then be added to the list of Specifications.
- Search. In this field, you can Search for any desired term in the Product Specifications.
- ● 3 Product Types. This column displays all Product Types in the system. The checkboxes enable you to select which Product Types to assign with the corresponding Specification Type.
- ● 4 Values. In this area you will find a grouping of options related to specific values for a given Specification.
- Enter Numeric Values. This allows you to enter only numeric values for this specification.
- Enter Numeric and Text Values. This allows you to enter both numeric and text values for this specification.
- Select Option Box. This allows you to select values based on Option Box.
- + Add Values By Range. This allows you to add a range of values to choose from.
- Option Boxes Field. This allows you to add or remove values displayed as Option Boxes.
- ● 5 In this area you will find a grouping of options.
- Download or Upload CSV (found at the top and bottom of this area). These icons allow you to download or upload a CSV file including the data for an individual Specification or for all Specifications displayed on the page.
- Search. In this field you can search for a Specification.
- Mandatory. Checking this box will control whether or not the Specification is to be required for the selected Product Type.
- ● Product Types Orders.
- ● 5. Product Type [Select a product type]. Click this dropdown to reveal Specifications for a given Product Type.
- Specifications. This column displays the Specification that you can modify the Order of in the corresponding fields to the right.
- Dashboard Order. In this column, these fields enable you to enter a Dashboard Order for how the Specification will be listed.
- Frontend Order. In this column, these fields enable you to enter a Frontend Order for how the Specification will be listed.
This table of Specification Types and any changes made to it are connected to other modules on the CMS, as follows:
- ● In the Add New Product module, reflected in the Industry Standard Specifications table.
- ● In the Pre-Filter Collection Builder module. That module will be covered in more detail in a later section.
You should now be familiar with the practical application of Product Type and Specification Type. This concludes the section of the user manual for Product Specifications.
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