Breadcrumb path: Diamonds / Diamonds
You can access this page by clicking on Diamonds from your main menu, and Diamonds from the dropdown menu. For further information on the Manage Diamonds - Main Screen, consult the user manual article for Manage Diamonds.
Add New Diamond Fundamental
This section of the guide will walk you through the process of adding a Diamond locally. This includes all the steps involved in creating a Diamond page for your website.
Here is an example of a finished Diamond page made using Add New Diamond (Local):
Now that you have learned the fundamental idea and seen an example of the end result, this guide will continue to walk you through how to Add New Diamond (Local).
To Begin Adding a new Diamond Locally:
- ● 1 Add New Diamond. Click this button to reveal the new field below:
- ● 2 Diamond Title. In this field, enter the Diamond Name.
- Add Diamond. After filling in the previous field, click Add Diamond. This will take you to the Edit Diamond screen.
Edit Diamond
On this screen, you will see a total of 9 sections. Here is a list of all sections covered in the Edit Diamond screen:
- ● 1 General Item Information
- ● 2 Item Images and Videos
- ● 3 Diamond Details
- ● 4 Minimum Required Specifications
- ● 5 Industry Standard Specifications
- ● 6 Additional Custom Specifications
- ● 7 Item Specifications
- ● 8 SEO
- ● 9 Market Settings
- ● Important Note: Each section contains its own individual blue Save button(s) that must be clicked on to update the nearby information. Always remember to save as soon as you fill in any fields, to avoid losing any of your progress.
(1) General Item Information
The following fields shown in gray are pre-filled and cannot be changed:
- ● 1 Brand. This field displays the Brand, selected as Diamond in the previous section.
- ● 2 Source. This field displays the Source, defined as Local in the previous section.
- ● 3 GUID (Global Unique Identifier). The field displays the GUID, an automatically-assigned number given for each specific Diamond.
The following open fields shown in white can be changed:
- ● 4 Tags. In this field, you can enter Tags uploaded in the Diamond Tags module. These are generally used for navigational purposes. For more information, please see Diamond Tags.
- ● 5 Keywords Tags. In this field, you can enter Keywords Tags. This refers to the front-end Keyword search function (viewable to your public site visitors). Adding Tags here makes the item searchable by those Tags.
- ● 6 Common ID. In this field, you can enter a Common ID. This is an optional ID that can be applied as a cross-reference, to a single Diamond that may be coming from two different sources. For example, an item may be sourced from both VDB and Rapnet, resulting in two different Stock Numbers. In this case, a Common ID can be assigned to the Diamond to indicate that these two items are in fact the same (despite having different Stock Numbers).
- ● 7 Diamond Status [On | Off]. This setting controls whether the Status is set to On or Off. If set to Off, then the Diamond listing will be removed from the website altogether.
- ● 8 Orderable [Yes | No]. This setting controls whether or not the Diamond can be added to the shopping cart and ordered. [front end example]
Once you have entered your information above, you can move on to the next section (Item Images and Videos).
- ● Reminder: be sure to click the Save button(s) after making final changes, before you continue.
(2) Item Images and Videos
This section enables you to upload and manage Item Images and Videos for your site.
- ● 1 New Images. This field enables you to add up to 10 Images by clicking on Browse.
- ● 2 New Videos. This field enables you to add up to one Video by clicking on Browse.
- ● 3 New Certificate. This field enables you to add a New Certificate by clicking on Browse. A Certificate is available for certain Diamonds. Uploading an image of the Certificate here will allow you to display it on the item page.
- ● 4 Does the Image Match the Selected Material? [Yes | No | I don’t know]. This setting is determined by the accuracy of the Image compared to the Diamond listing. For example, if a Round Diamond is shown in the image, but the Diamond listing states that the Diamond is a Princess Diamond, then this control should be set to No.
- ● Browse enables you to access the Filemanager system for all available Images and Videos (shown below).
(3) File Manager
Here you can see three main areas with individual control icons:
- ● 1 Upload, New Folder, Paste, and Clear Clipboard. These icons enable you to configure and organize the browser.
- Upload. This icon enables you to Upload a new file to this directory.
- New Folder. This icon enables you to add a New Folder to this directory.
- Paste. This icon enables you to Paste clipboard contents to this directory.
- Clear Clipboard. This icon enables you to Clear current Clipboard contents.
- ● 2 Box View, List View, and Columns List View. These icons enable you to change how the browser appears.
- Box View. This icon selects the Box View option.
- List View. This icon selects the List View option.
- Columns List View. This icon selects the Columns List View option.
- ● 3 Filters, Sorting, and Refresh. These icons provide Filtering options.
- Files. Click here to Filter the items available for upload by Files.
- Images. Click here to Filter the items available for upload by Images.
- Archives. Click here to Filter the items available for upload by Archives.
- Videos. Click here to Filter the items available for upload by Videos.
- Music. Click here to Filter the items available for for upload by Music
- Text Filter. Enter Text here to Filter the items available for upload by Text Filter.
- All. Click here to reveal All Files and Folders.
- ● 4 Sorting, Refresh, and Information.
- Sorting. This dropdown enables you to Sort contents by Filename, Date, Size, and Type.
- Refresh. This icon enables you to Refresh the contents displayed.
- Information. This icon displays Information about the Filemanager application.
After you have selected your Images and Videos for this Diamond, a small icon menu will appear in the upper left corner.
- ● 1 Left: Erase, Select All, Deselect All, and Select. These icons all you to perform various actions on files.
- Erase. This icon enables you to Erase a selected file from the directory.
- Select All. This icon enables you to Select All files from the directory.
- Deselect All. This icon enables you to Select All files from the directory.
- Select. This icon enables you to Select file(s) to be uploaded to the previous section. The File Path for the selected files will be added under New Images. After clicking Save, the thumbnail image(s) will display above.
Now that you have finished Item Images and Videos, you can continue with the next section (Diamond Details).
(4) Diamond Details
In this section, you can enter a variety of Diamond Details.
- ● 1 Left column. Along the left side, the following fields are displayed:
- Subtitle. In this field, you can enter a Subtitle for the Diamond.
- Model Number. In this field, you can enter a Model Number for the Diamond, a broad number that applies to the Diamond.
- Weight. In this field, you can enter a Weight for the Diamond.
- Collections. In this field, you can Select a collection from the dropdown. This refers to the Collection to which the given Diamond belongs. Collection dropdowns are defined within the Manage Brands module.
- Related Items GUID. In this field, you can enter Related Items GUID, which enables you to connect this Diamond with similar others in the system.
- Date Arrival. This field displays the Date Arrival, which is when the item became in stock. Clicking on the calendar icon to the right enables you to edit the Date Arrival.
- Age Group. This dropdown field enables you to select the Age Group for the Diamond. The options include Adult, Kids, Toddler, Infant, and Newborn.
- GTIN. In this field, you can enter the GTIN for the item. This is the Global Trade Item Number.
Now that you have finished the left column, you can move on to the right side of the screen.
- ● 2 Right column. Along the right side, the following fields are displayed:
- Retail Price. In this field, you can enter the recommended Retail Price for the Diamond, determined by the manufacturer.
- Sale Price. In this field, you can enter the Sale Price for the Diamond, a discount price for customers determined by the seller.
- Cost. In this field, you can enter the Cost for the Diamond, which is the total investment price the seller pays for the Diamond.
- Stock Number. In this field, you can enter the Stock Number, a specific number that applies to unique categories within a Diamond, such as color.
- Stock Quantity. In this field, you can enter the Stock Quantity, the quantity of the Diamond currently available in store. [front end example]
- Order. In this field, you can enter the Order for this item, which is the Order in which the Diamond will be displayed on the page. This enables you to Order local items so they can be sorted by ascending or descending values when using the Diamond Order sorting method in any sorting section.
- Exempt From Taxes [Yes | No]. This setting controls whether or not to apply standardized sales Taxes to the Diamond.
- Condition [New | Refurbished | Used]. This setting allows you to choose whether the Diamond is in New, Refurbished, or Used Condition.
Now that you have completed Diamond Details, please continue with the next section (Title / Description).
(5) Title / Description
- ● 3 Title. In this section, you will find two Title options to choose from.
- Custom Title. Select this radio button to use a Custom Title that you will enter into this field.
- Content Generator Title. Select this radio button to use a Content Generator Title which is supplied by the SEO Content Module.
- ● 4 Description. In this section, you will find two Description options to choose from.
- Custom Description. Select this radio button to use a Custom Description that you will enter into this field.
- Content Generator Description. Select this radio button to use a Content Generator Description which is supplied by the SEO Content Module.
Now that you have completed the Title and Description, please continue with the next section (Minimum Required Specifications).
(6) Minimum Required Specifications
In this section, the Minimum Required Specifications for Diamond are displayed in a table, along with an indicator of the Status. A Red X Status icon indicates that an MRS has not been met, whereas a Green Check Status icon indicates that an MRS has been met.
- ● 1 Diamond Clarity. This row displays whether Diamond Clarity has been specified.
- ● 2 Diamond Color. This row displays whether Diamond Color has been specified.
- ● 3 Diamond Shape. This row displays whether Diamond Shape has been specified.
- ● 4 Diamond Type. This row displays whether Diamond Type has been specified.
- ● 5 Diamond Weight. This row displays whether Diamond Weight has been specified.
Once you have finished with Minimum Required Specifications, you can continue with the next section.
(5) Industry Standard Specifications
This screen displays various fields where you can enter Industy Standard Specifications for your Diamond. In the upper right corner, you will see
- ● 1 Diamond Type. This field is automatically set to Diamond and cannot be changed.
- ● 2 Required Specifications. These fields enable you to enter Required Specifications, marked by a red asterisk (*). These are required by the system in order to categorize your Diamond properly. [front end example]
- ● 3 Other Specifications. These fields enable you to enter Other Specifications, not marked with an asterisk, which are optional. [front end example]
- ● 4 Enable Custom Entry [On | Off]. This setting enables you to turn Custom Entry On or Off.
- ● Reminder: be sure to click on the Save buttons after making final changes, before you continue.
Once you have entered the desired information, you can continue to the next section (Item Specifications).
(6) Item Specifications
This section enables you to add additional specifications of your own, which are not already offered in the system.
- ● 1 Spec Name. This column displays the Spec Name or your custom specification.
- ● 2 Spec Value. This column displays the Spec Value for your custom specification.
- ● 3 Spec Order. This column displays the Order for your custom specification.
- ● 4 Create. This button enables you to Create a custom specification to be added to the Item Specifications table below. Click this button to reveal the screen below.
- ● 5 Additional Custom Specifications. Complete this section to Create an Additional Custom Specification.
- Spec Name. In this field, enter the Spec Name for your custom specification.
- Spec Value. In this field, enter the Order for your custom specification.
- Create. This button enables you to Create a custom specification to be added to the Item Specifications table. After entering a Spec Name and Spec Value, click this button to Create the Specification.
Now that you have learned about item Specifications, you can continue to the next section covering SEO.
(7) Item Specifications
(8) SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
This section enables you to configure settings for Search Engine Optimization. For each SEO Content Field, you have the option of entering a Custom Entry or using the SEO Content Generator to create the content automatically. Here are the fields that make up the SEO section:
- ● 1 Title. In these fields, select one of two options for your Diamond’s Title.
- Custom Title. In this field, you can enter a Custom Title for the Diamond.
- Content Generator Title. In this field, the Content Generator Title will appear, which is the Title automated by the SEO Content module.
- ● 2 Meta Title. In these fields, select one of two options for your Diamond’s Meta Title. This is the Title displayed by a search engine in its results and in tabs when linking to your page.
- Custom Meta Title. In this field, you can enter a Custom Meta Title for the Diamond.
- Content Generator Meta Title. In this field, the Content Generator Meta Title will appear, which is the Meta Title automated by the SEO Content module.
- ● 3 Meta Description. In these fields, select one of two options for your Diamond’s Meta Description. This is a short description that will be used as a Tag to label your site accurately for search engines.
- Custom Meta Description. In this field, you can enter a Custom Meta Description for the Diamond.
- Content Generator Meta Description. In this field, the Diamond’s Content Generator Meta Description will appear, which is the Meta Description automated by the SEO Content module.
- ● 4 Meta Keyword. In these fields, select one of two options for your Diamond’s Meta Keyword. This is a type of Tag that labels your site’s content on a basic level for search engine crawling. Separate the different Meta Keywords by a comma.
- Custom Meta Keyword. In this field, you can enter a Custom Meta Keyword for the Diamond.
- Content Generator Meta Keyword. In this field, the Diamond’s Content Generator Meta Description will appear, which is the Meta Description automated by the SEO Content module.
- ● 5 Canonical. In this field, select one of two options for the Diamond’s Canonical URL. This will be used by search engines as a representative URL for your Diamond page.
- Custom Canonical. In this field, you can enter a Custom Canonical for the Diamond.
- Automatically Generated Canonical. In this field, the Diamond’s Content Generator Canonical will appear, which is the Canonical automated by the SEO Content module.
- ● Reminder: be sure to click the Save buttons after making final changes, before you continue.
Now that you have completed the SEO section, you can continue to Market Settings.
(9) Market Settings
- ● 1 Market Settings. These checkboxes enables you to toggle on and off your Market Settings for Google and Facebook. Please refer to the Market Settings module for setup.
This completes the Edit Diamond module sections for Add New Diamond (Local).
- ● Once you have completed all of the above, and clicked Save for all the modified fields, your Diamond page will be live and active.
This concludes the section of the user manual for Add New Diamond (Local).
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